Statements of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

In response to the attacks launched against the Palestinian people in Gaza by the State of Israel, on Oct 12 Speaking Out of Place created a special episode on Gaza with legal experts Diana Buttu and Richard Falk. We did so with the aim to address and correct the proliferation of misinformation that the mainstream press was spewing out.

We also solicited and received many statements of solidarity with the Palestinian people.  So many have come in, and continue to come in, that we decided to create a separate podcast episode consisting entirely of these statements.  We will update this episode continually.

Listen to these voices, and please help amplify them my sharing this episode as widely as possible.  May there be a just peace for the Palestinian people, may they have the land and freedom that is rightfully theirs.  Free Palestine.

A full list of contributors is on our Blog, and will be updated.

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