On the Significance of the New Indonesian Regime and the Need to Revitalize Decolonial Critique: A Conversation with Intan Paramaditha and Michael Vann

“Political resistance-themed” playlist from Intan:

Dialita Choir, Efek Rumah Kaca, and Majelis Lidah Berduri. They are known for their alignment with the activist network.

Dialita Choir 

Music/ video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQXG9O-Ing4

A choir consisting of women survivors and family members of 1965-66 victims. Many members of Dialita used music to heal from their trauma after being imprisoned in the 60s-70s. This video here was presented by artist Tintin Wulia, (texts/ contexts are in English). The song is titled “Salam Harapan”  (The Greeting of Hope), written inside the prison walls.


“Mosi Tidak Percaya” (Motion of No Confidence) by Efek Rumah Kaca

Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqjS8N0XztA

The lyrics captures the loss of trust in the government and the feeling of frustration with corrupt leaders and the broader political system in the post-Reformasi context. The song opens with the line that questions authority: “ini masalah kuasa” (this is a matter of power). Indonesian translation of the lyrics: https://www.musixmatch.com/lyrics/Efek-Rumah-Kaca/Mosi-Tidak-Percaya/translation/english


“Dapur, NKK BKK” (Kitchen, NKK/BKK) by Majelis Lidah Berduri (former name Melancholic Bitch)

Music/ video: https://youtu.be/TV228dC10QE?si=TS_sPBsZ8s-woe-b

NKK/BKK is the “normalization of campus law” I mentioned in the interview. This law banned students from protesting:


The song is about how family is implicated in the New Order state politics. It also forecasts the rise of militarism in post-authoritarian Indonesia, as the lyrics says “Kota sudah dikepung tentara” (The city is surrounded by armies).



Two ghost related pieces from Michael Vann:






News Item:


Police slammed for letting discussion evaluating Jokowi government to be forcibly closed down

Kompas.com – September 28, 2024

Firda Janati, Akhdi Martin Pratama, Jakarta — The Setara Institute for Peace and Democracy believes that the closure of of a discussion forum in Kemang, South Jakarta, which was attended by a number of figures and activists, was a form of terror against freedom of expression.

“This was an act of terror against freedom of expression and threat to limited [democratic] space that is increasingly narrowing”, said Setara Institute Executive Director Halili Hasan in a statement on Saturday October 1.

The police should be able to take decisive action to protect the freedom of expression of the people that were at the discussion. “The negligence committed by the state apparatus was a violation of human rights”, he added.

The Setara Institute is urging the government, especially the police, to thoroughly investigate the closure of the discussion forum in Kemang.

“The closure in the Setara Institute’s view represents a loud alarm indicating that civil freedoms are increasingly narrow in the midst of democracy which is declining”, he added.

As reported previously, a discussion forum that was being held at the Grand Kemang hotel and was attended by a number of figures, including Constitutional Law Expert Refly Harun, was suddenly closed down by a group of people on Saturday September 28.

Harun said that the discussion forum, which was also attended by former Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) commissioner Said Didu, former Special Forces (Kopassus) commander Major General Soenarko and a number of activists, was scheduled hold an evaluation of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s administration and what hopes lie with the next administration.

“When I arrived At 9 am, there was already someone giving a speech. Now, when the event was about to start, suddenly a group of people came to the venue to closed down the event by smashing things up”, said Harun when contacted on Saturday.

Harun said that the event had not even started yet. However, the group of people that arrived were already giving speeches and demanded that the event be stopped immediately. As a result, the discussion forum was stopped even though it should have run until 2 pm.

“The event didn’t go ahead, so we just stayed in the room, chatting, maintaining friendship ties, eating, just that. The event should have (finished) at 2 pm, we were asked to leave at 12 noon”, he said.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was “Forum Diskusi FTA di Kemang Dibubarkan, Setara Institute: Teror terhadap Kebebasan Berekspresi”.]

Source: https://megapolitan.kompas.com/read/2024/09/28/20161161/forum-diskusi-fta-di-kemang-dibubarkan-setara-institute-teror-terhadap



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