Catch the latest episodes of Speaking Out Of Place.

The Hidden Humans Behind Artificial Intelligence, and the Sociopathology of Elon Musk: A Conversation with Sarah T. Roberts
Today on Speaking Out of Place I talk with Sarah T Roberts about the hidden humans behind Artificial Intelligence, which is reliant on executives and business managers to direct AI to promote their brand and low-level, out-sourced, and poorly paid content managers to...
Tao Leigh Goffe on Poetics, Poeisis, and Un-making the Climate Crisis
Today I talk with Tao Leigh Goffe about her new, magisterial Dark Laboratory: On Columbus, the...
We Grow the World Together: Parenting Toward Abolition—A Conversation with Maya Schenwar and Kim Wilson
Today I am delighted to have Maya Schenwar and Kim Wilson on Speaking Out of Place to discuss...
Against “Jewish Innocence”: A Conversation with Peter Beinart on his new book, Being Jewish After the Destruction of Gaza.
Today on Speaking Out of Place we sit down with Peter Beinart to discuss his new book, Being...
Building Worlds Beyond Modernity’s Double Fracture: A Discussion with Azucena Castro and Malcom Ferdinand
Today on Speaking Out of Place I am delighted to be in conversation with Azucena Castro and Malcom...
Shaping Iranian Diasporic Identities in Times of Crisis and Change: A Conversation with Persis Karim and Roya Ahmadi
Today on Speaking Out of Place we talk with Professor Persis Karim, co-producer and co-director of...
The Dialectic is in the Sea: A Conversation with Christen A. Smith on the Work of Black Feminist Beatriz Nascimento
Today on Speaking Out of Place I have the honor of talking with Professor Christen A Smith on a...