News & Blogs
Volunteers to Stop the Destruction of Palestinian Villages and Homes: An Interview with Members of the International Solidarity Movement
Call to action when ISM began working in Masafer Yatta Donate to ISM to help us sponsor volunteers and keep us running. Alternatively you can contact us for information about grassroots groups...
On the Significance of the New Indonesian Regime and the Need to Revitalize Decolonial Critique: A Conversation with Intan Paramaditha and Michael Vann
“Political resistance-themed” playlist from Intan: Dialita Choir, Efek Rumah Kaca, and Majelis Lidah Berduri. They are known for their alignment with the activist network. Dialita Choir Music/ video: A choir consisting of...

University of California Faculty Groups File Landmark Unfair Labor Practices Complaint Against UC Over UC’s Repression of Activism for Palestine–BLOG
Coverage of the filing and press conference, including past American Association of University Professors (AAUP) VP Hank Reichman’s write-up of the national significance of the ULP filing, are here:...

Resources for Episode on Abolitionist Sanctuary, Borders, Raids, Walls
Many thanks to A. Naomi Paik and Arianna Salgado for these links: Here's an article on replacing Statesville prison with 2 new prisons at the cost of $1 billion. Here is a GoFundMe for the PNAP graduate, Michael Broadway, who died in Statesville recently. Here is the...

Resources on Sudan–from Osman Hamdan and Umniya Najaer
We want to encourage everyone to continue to inform themselves and others about the counter-revolutionary war in Sudan. We encourage all people to make donations to a grassroots humanitarian organization on the ground. This is the simplest way to save lives and help...
Defund Genocide, Not UNRWA: List and Times of Statements of Support for Palestine
Ardi Imseis, Palestinian legal scholar, law professor at Queen’s University in Canada, former legal counsel, UNRWA @ 1.01 Susan Abulhawa, Palestinian writer, human rights advocate, and founder of Palestine Writes festival @ 4.18 Paola Bacchetta, Professor of Women and...
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